Deepening our Embodiment and Understanding of Christianity through Essays and Reflections.
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The Church after Consumerism
Read or Listen: The Church after ConsumerismThe realities of consumerism are relatively new to the Church. What kind of future is there for the Church in light of its implications and culture? Where may we find hope in the midst of and after consumerism? I believe we have hope as we elevate the fact that we exist, have our being, and…
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Embodied Christianity
Living & Application
Again and again, Jesus invited people to follow him. To follow him in the way he lived his life. To each pick up our own cross and follow him. Let us be intentional and purposeful in how we apply the life, teachings, and faith of Jesus from Nazareth in our lives today.

Understanding Christianity
Theology & Translation
To talk about Christianity is to engage with philosophy. At the heart of these conversations are expansive and complex relationships. To see and seek to understand these relationships is the core aim of Theology. How do we relate to God? To one another? To creation? To ourselves? The biblical texts are sustained and translated for us through interpretive lenses of scholars.
Christian Reflections
Meditative, Contemplative, & Mystical
It is with abundant tenderness that the grace of God meets us. Slowly dripping into our lives. Easily unnoticed. When we slow, pause, and rest we might come to sense it. Giving us comfort to be like Christ in the midst of all God adores. Inviting us to open our hearts and feelings to experience God.

Urban Monasticism
Become more Present with God and with Others
This is a community and movement where Paul is one of the founders. Since Advent 2019 they invite people into lives of monastic rhythms and practices in the cities where we live. It is an organization seeking to foster communities, and create excellent resources for them.
Learn more about Urban Monastics

About Paul
Paul has been on an ever deepening journey of faith since experiencing his call to ministry in 2004. He describes himself as ecumenical, monastic, contemplative, mystic, pacifist, and pastor. He is professionally trained in Homiletics, Missiology, Biblical Translation, and Theology. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota he now lives in Paris, France.