78 years ago today, Paris was liberated from the Nazi fascists who had spent four years occupying, murdering, and oppressing the people of this city. Political ideologies that wield violence as power must be resisted and condemned.
In the quiet stillness God awaited me. It was there in a moment that could have easily been lost. Jesus invited me. Invited me to see a life of grace as one of endless invitations. That the reality of grace must first unseat each of the ways I now see myself. For all my weaknesses,
My heart is weak. Yesterday a man overcome by evil killed scores with a truck in Nice, France. I’ve grown tired of being surprised, shocked, or acting as though the attack was unexpected. This is a sad reality of our world today. That a 24-hour news cycle hunts for tragedies affecting a group of people to grab
It’s almost incomprehensible that the cosmic God of all things could allow evil to be inflicted upon others. As bombs explode, buildings crumble, seas rush in, or bullets tear through streets we ask questions of a God who seems disinterested and distant. We’ve been told that we’re exceptional in Gods eyes and have taken this
Hope is contingent on discontentment. Though every aspect of life attempts to content me. Telling me that if I just do X, achieve Y or buy Z then some/all of that discontent will be taken away. But what if we were called to live into our discontentment so that we might long for an audacious
As I look to learn more of God in scripture I come to discover that his character is unchanging. That there is no more room for Him to be loving, compassionate, patient, and graceful. It is in the very core of God this unchanging and undying reality that many find comfort and rest. Yet for his steadfast